Wednesday, October 03, 2007

William Tell Overture

To all the moms! What a mom would say in 24hrs condensed to 2 min and 55seconds. SHE IS THE BOMB.


Terri Stegmiller said...

That was hilarious!

Candy Schultz said...

Oh my god. She is brilliant.

Doreen G said...

Now that's what I call talent

Jeri said...

That is Brilliant! I'm so sending the link to my kid at college so he can remember all the stuff I've said to him! You should put this on a CD and sell it! It is brilliant. Thank you!

Susan Schrott, Artist said...

DId I tell you earlier how absolutely hysterical this is. I have forwarded this link to EVERYONE I love love it. who is she?

Gail Rhyno said...

I have to little sister sent me that video a couple weeks ago, I posted it on my Blog. But stumbling onto your Blog today, and seeing it all over again, laughing until I cry...I had to put it up on my Blog permanently. I think I have issues, so I'm going to watch it everyday until it doesn't make me cry anymore!
And I'm enjoying all the links on your Blog...great!