Sunday, January 28, 2007

Chocolat Centerfold in Art Doll Quarterly!!!!!

Click on to actually Read Mary's Article!

Yesterday my daughter and I wandered into Texas Art Supply looking for a few dyeing supplies (...ew and I found some Lutradur for $9 per giant roll yard). ANYWAY, I picked up the latest "Art Doll Quarterly" issue for the first time ever. I went about my evening of dyeing silk and velvets and at bedtime reading I'm casually thumbing through the pages, admiring the fabulous artist's dolls.... when WHAT to my flickin amazement....CHOCOLAT! I know that DOLL!!!! That's my friend MARY'S chocolate wrapper collage doll in a 3-page spread...all glammed out!!!!!

CONGRATULATIONS Mary on Chocolat and for another published article of your amazing work and your ability to make art out of ANYTHING. You are so famous.


Faith said...

Isnt this gorgeous I didnt realise there were beautiful handmade dolls too. I loved the dyed fabrics in your other blogs they bring out the rainbow in you!

Elle said...

It's always fun when you recognize a friend's work in a magazine!