Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I have broken the blog

Like a fool i moved my template over to the new customizable whatever template. I've lost my archives. The blogroll has magically appeared....now it's gone!!! Why OH Why did I do it?? I hope when i wake up everything will be back to normal.. This is a bad dream!

*Update - it was a bad blogmare after all! Everything has magically returned...it just looks a little different. I'm already liking the these movable page elements!


Ron Southern said...

Archives not likely to be gone. Your ACCESS might be gone. Try changing the frequency (temporarily) just to jolt it back awake. Do all those Emergency Steps like clearing cache and cookies.

Ron Southern said...

Or check the Archives page element. If it's there, delete it and then put it back in anew. That might wake it up, too! If it's not there, that's what's wrong.

Ron Southern said...

If the blogroll disappears, you could copy it from a backup copy of the template and put that section of code into an html/javascript page element. Might take time, but not hard. Good luck.

SeamRippstress said...

Thanks Ron! I think it just needed a bit of rest and it all came back! Youre the bomb!

Susan Schrott, Artist said...

Hi there..thanks for your comments...your work is amazing...I am going to sit back with my morning cup of coffee and read through your blog. Stay in touch. Stay in touch, Susan