Sunday, January 21, 2007

Artists Gone Wild at Great Expectations Creativity Center in LaGrange, TX!!

You've gotta check out Liz Berg and Virginia Spiegel, artists in residence in LaGrange, TX!! OOhhh mi gaawddd....the incredible fabrics they're dyeing and painting and their unleashed creativity gone wild!!! Scroll ALL the way down through to day 10 at least! They have this GIANT space in LaGrange and they're eating fried shrimp and catfish like- every night, taking pics of icicles and creating complete masterpieces! I'm mean they're working their hearts out but really, they are having a blast! Sheer Heaven. I think they can get locked up for life with that wanton behavior down there ya'll!


lizzieb said...

Thanks for the nice words! We are having so much fun! and working really hard...can't forget to tell everyone that!

SeamRippstress said...

Eww Liz! Thank you for gracing my blog with your atilicious self. Tell us where you'll be showing your 20 pieces of new work you birthed in LaGrange! What a great place to be and to have so much time and muses about you! We Thank you for sharing it all!